Snow Cancellation
Ice Advisory

February 16, 2025
8am service will be held, but travel only if local conditions permit.

Join Us for Worship
Join Us For Worship

All services stream live, but fellowship and Holy Communion are in-person experiences!
Join us Sundays at 8am & 10:30am
Tuesday at 12:15pm
Wednesdays at 7pm

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Experience powerful sermons that will uplift your spirit and guide you through lifeʼs ups and downs. Real preaching is about what God is doing through Jesus Christ, and here you will experience messages that connect that eternal reality with your daily life, resonating with your heart and equipping you for faithful living and authentic spirituality.


The word “Church” means “gathering.” Here at Holy Cross, you become part of a family of faith that will rejoice when you rejoice and support you through the challenges of life. We gather with each other and we gather others in with the love of Christ.

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