In the beginning… God said…
In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.

Welcome! We feel so privileged that you have taken some of your precious time to explore our website and consider joining your spiritual pilgrimage to our own. We pray that this page will help you on your way and acquaint you with the core convictions of Christians throughout time.

For us, the Word of God is everything. Since we are limited creatures and God is limitless, God had to choose some way to interact with us. The Word is God’s chosen way of revealing Himself to us. Without the Word of God, we would be utterly bereft, having no knowledge of God, salvation, or truly spiritual life.

We understand all aspects of the Christian life to be some manifestation of God’s Word, and we invite you to come and be brought to life by that Word along with us!

On the following pages we explain very briefly the ways in which the Word of God permeates our lives here at Holy Cross Nazareth. If you click on the first link, you can follow them all sequentially, which will give you a relatively complete view of our life together here at Holy Cross Nazareth. You can also click on them individually to explore particular aspects of our life as a congregation. Please click one of the following links to explore the Word of God more deeply:

Jesus – The Word Made Flesh
The Bible – The Word Made Ink
Sermons – The Word Proclaimed
Doctrine – The Word Believed
Worship – The Word Shaping Our Praise
Discipleship – The Word Lived Out
Commitment – The Word Empowering Our Lives

Whether you are just considering the claims of Christianity for the first time or are a longtime Christian, we suggest you start here, with the Person of Jesus, for Christian faith is first, last, and always about the Person Jesus of Nazareth.

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