Authentic Christian faith is trust in the Most High God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as revealed to us through the life, death, most of all bodily resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth.

But how do we come to know that God?

The experience of people for more than 4,000 years has been that we come to know this God when His Spirit uses our hearing of the stories of His interactions with humanity as an opportunity to bring us to faith. For centuries these stories were meticulously preserved and passed along orally. When writing was invented, they were written down and compiled into the collection of books we know as the Holy Bible. That is why today

Christians read the Bible so the Spirit can build and sustain us in saving faith.

That is why here at Holy Cross we are always engaged in reading and learning about the Bible. In addition to small group learning in people’s homes, join us at any of the following opportunities to get to know the book of our salvation better:

Living the Christian Life (A Modern Catechism): Sunday mornings at 9:15AM

The substance joy of the Christian life is not found in knowing the stories of what God has done for us, but living life in, with, and through God as revealed by Jesus Christ. How do we learn to have a deep, living relationship with God? What is getting in the way of the right now? What might help me connect “ordinary life” with God and make it extraordinary? Join Pastor Brett and Deacon Michael to explore this together using resources both old and new.

Bethel Bible Series: Sunday mornings at 9:15AM

An in-depth dive into the Bible as a whole, helping you understand the giant story that all the smaller stories together are telling. Takes two years to cycle through the entire Scriptures.

Pastor’s Deep Dive – The Book of Romans: Tuesday morning at 11:00AM

The longest of Paul’s letters in the New Testament, this beautiful and complex book has been often misunderstood by Christians throughout history–especially in the Lutheran and broader Protestant traditions. Come, join Rabbi Paul as he explains and explores in depth what God has done and is doing in Jesus Christ both for us and for entire creation! (Also streamed on Holy Cross TV, Facebook, and YouTube.)

One-Year Bible Review: Tuesday evenings at 6:15PM

Join the Deacon to reflect together on the readings from the One-Year Bible. Ask questions, share stories, explore life application. (Also streamed on Holy Cross TV, Facebook, and YouTube.)

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