Worship Minister Descriptions

Worshiping the true God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—in and through Jesus Christ is the most important thing we do as Christians.  It is both the goal and source of our life together.

Worship is a verb—something you DO—not a noun, something you merely attend.  As such, it takes many people working together to make it possible for us all to worship the Lord in Spirit and in truth.

Below are descriptions of various roles you can play in the weekly and worship life of our church, serving God by helping others worship Him.

Fellowship Hosts

Facilitate our life together by giving us a warm environment in which to get to know, talk, share, and support each other.  They are the oil that keeps the engine of our congregation moving smoothly.


Welcome people to worship, make them feel at home, and help them get oriented to the building or worship resources.

Scripture Reader (Lector)

Proclaim the Word of the Lord by clearly articulating excerpts from the Holy Bible.

Communion Assistants

Assist the worship leaders in the distribution of Holy Communion to those gathered for worship.

Tech Minister

Assist those gathered for worship by advancing the overhead worship slides and assist those worshiping remotely by controlling our streaming worship.  If you can use your smart phone, you can assist in this way!

Sunday School Staff & Helpers

Christian formation requires both the heart and mind.  Sunday School teachers pass along the great stories of God’s salvation and help people from preschool to adulthood learn how to read, understand, and apply to their lives the content of the Holy Bible.

Altar Guild

These people assist the worship leaders by preparing the worship space, Communion elements, and when necessary, those things required for Holy Baptism.


Assist during the worship service by lighting candles, carrying worship objects, and performing small tasks that let the worship leaders focus on their primary duties.

Lay Assistant

Assist the Deacon and Pastor to lead the worship of the congregation by leading prayers and assisting the congregation to transition from one aspect of worship to another.

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